Remembering One Left Behind

We think of one of the available boys that was also in Ivan's group in the orphanage each day.  If we had more resources (i.e. better insurance and more money) we would have loved to give this guy a home.  His name is Andrei (nickname Andrushka).  He had a cleft palate that has been repaired, but is still severely hampered by an underdeveloped lower jaw.  This little guy obviously struggles to eat since his teeth really don't match up at all.  As a result, he is very small for a 4.5 year old measuring only 32-34 inches tall.  Although he can make sounds, because of the formation of his mouth, he cannot form words yet.  He loves to be cuddled and held, and his eyes just beg you to take him home.

The future for Ukrainian orphans is bleak, but Andrei's future is even worse.  Most likely he will end up in a mental institution because the society doesn't like to see their physically challenged citizens out in public.  If he is not institutionalized, he will likely be forced to beg in the streets.

Please pray that Andrei finds a home with parents who can help him find the medical attention that he so desperately needs.

UPDATE:  We have received an email from our facilitator in Ukraine stating that she saw Andrei with his new adoptive family!!  We don't know any more information yet, but we are so happy for Andrei!

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